Local Transport Plan 5 - Striking the Balance

We would like to hear your views on the full draft of our Local Transport Plan.

This new Local Transport Plan (LTP) 'Striking the Balance', will replace our fourth plan 'Delivering Growth without Gridlock'. It sets out a clear plan for transport in Kent which is ambitious but achievable in its aims to improve all types of journeys.

In 2023, views from residents and businesses were gathered in a public consultation on the Emerging Local Transport Plan. The full draft plan takes these views into consideration to strengthen the case for improvements to the transport modes that people in Kent rely on most. You can find out more about how feedback from the consultation has helped to shape the full draft plan in our You Said, We Did document.

The draft plan sets out proposals for improving roads and public transport in Kent, which will help us to focus our future efforts and invest funding we can get from the government. It is designed to strike a balance between the investment needed to improve the county's economy, to make living and working better, whilst also preparing our transport networks to meet the environmental challenges facing the county.

The full draft Local Transport Plan can be downloaded from the Documents section on this webpage.

We are hosting consultation drop in events across the county for you to find out more about the draft plan and ask your questions. Locations, dates and times are available from our LTP5 events webpage.

Have Your Say

This consultation is seeking feedback from residents, businesses and stakeholders to help finalise the plan. This includes the opportunity to let us know your views on the full range of countywide strategic schemes and local schemes set out for each district.

Your views are important in helping us to decide whether the plan we have developed will improve journeys and deliver the outcomes our plan aims to deliver.

You can tell us your views by completing the online questionnaire, which is available from this webpage. If you cannot complete the online questionnaire a Word version is available to download from this page, which you can complete and return either by email or post.

No final decisions have been taken. We will consider the feedback we receive during this consultation and use it to support the remaining work we need to do to finalise the plan and vote as a Council on whether to adopt it.

We would like to hear your views on the full draft of our Local Transport Plan.

This new Local Transport Plan (LTP) 'Striking the Balance', will replace our fourth plan 'Delivering Growth without Gridlock'. It sets out a clear plan for transport in Kent which is ambitious but achievable in its aims to improve all types of journeys.

In 2023, views from residents and businesses were gathered in a public consultation on the Emerging Local Transport Plan. The full draft plan takes these views into consideration to strengthen the case for improvements to the transport modes that people in Kent rely on most. You can find out more about how feedback from the consultation has helped to shape the full draft plan in our You Said, We Did document.

The draft plan sets out proposals for improving roads and public transport in Kent, which will help us to focus our future efforts and invest funding we can get from the government. It is designed to strike a balance between the investment needed to improve the county's economy, to make living and working better, whilst also preparing our transport networks to meet the environmental challenges facing the county.

The full draft Local Transport Plan can be downloaded from the Documents section on this webpage.

We are hosting consultation drop in events across the county for you to find out more about the draft plan and ask your questions. Locations, dates and times are available from our LTP5 events webpage.

Have Your Say

This consultation is seeking feedback from residents, businesses and stakeholders to help finalise the plan. This includes the opportunity to let us know your views on the full range of countywide strategic schemes and local schemes set out for each district.

Your views are important in helping us to decide whether the plan we have developed will improve journeys and deliver the outcomes our plan aims to deliver.

You can tell us your views by completing the online questionnaire, which is available from this webpage. If you cannot complete the online questionnaire a Word version is available to download from this page, which you can complete and return either by email or post.

No final decisions have been taken. We will consider the feedback we receive during this consultation and use it to support the remaining work we need to do to finalise the plan and vote as a Council on whether to adopt it.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to hear your views on our new full draft Local Transport Plan 5 called Striking the Balance and have provided this questionnaire for you to provide your feedback. 

    We recommend you read the draft Local Transport Plan before responding to this questionnaire.

    The questionnaire is split into seven sections: 

    • Section 1 – About You                            
    • Section 2 – Overall support for the new draft Local Transport Plan
    • Section 3 – Strategic network-wide proposals                
    • Section 4 – District proposals                        
    • Section 5 – Any other comments on the draft Local Transport Plan    
    • Section 6 – Supporting evidence base and assessments         
    • Section 7 – More About You                        

    You can answer all or as many of the questions as you like. If you would rather not provide feedback on a section or question, just move on to the next one. Remember to click through to the end of the questionnaire and submit your response.