Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-2039 - Further proposed changes

The Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (KMWLP) was adopted in July 2016 with some limited changes adopted in September 2020 as part of the Early Partial Review. A Kent Mineral Sites Plan which allocates three areas of land suitable for development associated with the extraction of sands and gravel was also adopted in 2020. Together these documents form part of the Development Plan which represents the planning policy framework for minerals and waste development in Kent.
The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) state Local Plans should be reviewed at least once every five years to assess whether they need updating and should then be updated as necessary.
A statutory five-year review of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan commenced in 2021. The review found that while much of the Local Plan is still relevant, some updates were needed to respond to changes in government policy and legislation since 2016. Revisions were therefore proposed to the adopted KMWLP including changes to its Vision, Strategic Objectives, policies and supporting text to principally reflect the changes in national policy and guidance since 2016.
These included amongst others, changes to the NPPF, government policy and guidance on the achievement of a circular economy and those concerned with climate change and protection and enhancement of the natural environment. We carried out a public consultation on the proposed changes between December 2021 and February 2022.
Comments received during the consultation addressed a wide range of planning considerations including the need to extend the Plan period to cover a 15-year period to meet NPPF requirements. Considering the comments received, a revised draft Plan was prepared, and a further public consultation took place between October and December 2022. A consultation summary document has been prepared containing the feedback from the most recent consultation and can be found in the ‘Documents’ section.
As a result of the earlier consultations, it is now proposed that some additional changes are made to the draft Local Plan in respect of an extended plan period, aggregate mineral requirements, the strategic site at Norwood Quarry, Isle of Sheppey, and the provision of waste from London. The plan period has been extended to 2039 to reflect national requirements for a 15-year plan horizon.
Tell us your views
We are inviting comments on the further proposed changes which are set out in the draft Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39 - Further proposed changes document.
There are three areas of the Local Plan which are proposed for further changes. These are summarised as follows:
- Changes to Policy CSM 2, and associated supporting text, relating to the quantity of aggregate mineral to be planned for
- Deletion of Policy CSW 5 that allocates land for an extension to Norwood Quarry, Isle of Sheppey for subsequent filling with hazardous flue ash
- Deletion of paragraph 6.3.3 (and associated sub-title) which concerns making specific provision within Kent for the management of residual non-hazardous waste by landfill or energy recovery that arises in London
The consultation document sets out an explanation of why the further changes are being proposed.
We also welcome your feedback on the further evidence to support the Local Plan changes. These relate to:
- Draft Sustainability Appraisal
- Draft Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary
- Consultation Summary Document - October to December 2022
- Kent Waste Needs Assessment 2022 Update - Hazardous Waste Management Requirements in Kent to 2039
You can comment on the further proposed changes by completing our online representation form below.
Alternatively, if you prefer not to respond online, you can send your form or written response to:
Address: Minerals and Waste Planning Policy Team, Planning Applications Group, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX.
You may also find it helpful to read our Frequently Asked Questions.
Next steps
Comments received during the consultation will help the County Council decide how and whether these changes should be included in the version of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan that is to be submitted for Independent Examination.