Funding Services to Schools Consultation 2025-2026

About this consultation
Kent County Council has reviewed the services it provides to its maintained mainstream and special schools and pupil referral units (PRUs). This consultation sets out proposals to change how four areas of service provision are funded from 1 April 2025. These are:
- School improvement and intervention
- Moderation of national curriculum assessments and tests
- Headteacher recruitment support
- Redundancy and early retirement
Headteachers, school business managers/bursars and governing bodies/management committees of local authority maintained schools and PRUs are invited to give their views on the proposals, to help the Council formalise its proposals before these are recommended to the Schools Funding Forum for their consideration.
How to respond
Ahead of responding, we strongly recommend that you read the consultation document ahead of completing the questionnaire.
You can also give your views via email:
Responses should be submitted no later than 18 October 2024.
What happens next?
The outcome of the consultation will be presented to the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee on 21 November 2024. The Committee will be asked to make a recommendation to the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills in respect of the proposals.
The Cabinet Member for Education and Skills will be asked to make a decision on behalf of the Council following the Cabinet Committee meeting.
The Cabinet Member’s decisions becomes the Council’s proposal to the Schools Funding Forum. This proposal will be considered by the Forum in December 2024 (date to be confirmed). The respective representatives for maintained primary and secondary schools will vote on whether to agree or reject the Council’s proposals.