No Mow May is back – Pledge today

Update November 2024

A big thank you to everyone who took part in Kent's Plan Bee No Mow May pledge. Our Results Report is now available in the 'Documents' section of the page.

This year’s results revealed that:

📋We received 324 responses from 307 residents and 15 organisations.
On a district basis, the largest individual numbers of pledges were recorded in Canterbury with 47 pledges.

Update June 2024

Thank you to everyone who took part and added their pledge. We are currently reviewing the feedback you provided and will publish a report about this year’s No Mow May efforts later in the summer. In the meantime, if you wish to keep up to date with Kent’s Plan Bee, please follow us on our Facebook or Instagram pages.

Plantlife’s No Mow May campaign is back for another year and we’re asking you to join us again by doing nothing at all…

Lock up your lawnmower and strimmer on 1 May, sit back, relax and let the wildflowers in your lawn bloom, providing a feast of nectar for our hungry pollinators.

What is No Mow May?

‘No Mow May’ is a campaign by the charity Plantlife to let your lawn grow throughout May and provide a carpet of flowers for our pollinators to feed on.

Each year we ask you to leave your lawn to see what colourful flowers appear and the pollinators that they attract - even leaving a small patch of your lawn uncut will make a big difference.

For more information about the campaign visit the Plantlife website.

Why not Let It Bloom for June

If you make it to the end of May why not continue not mowing! You can leave your lawn uncut into June, even July and August. This will allow the flowers to continue to bloom and go to seed, giving you more flowers for the following year.

What are we doing for No Mow May?

Kent’s Plan Bee team have been busy! Even more KCC departments are putting locking away their mowers for some of the land they manage to help with No Mow May. From Highways to Country Parks, waste sites and KCC owned land and infrastructure, this year we are building on the great work that has come out of us taking part in No Mow May over the last two years.

Now, we want to know how this links into the wider Kent landscape and see who else is taking part in No Mow May. Whether it is your garden or allotment, or you’re a business or landowner looking to pledge a larger piece of land, we want to hear what you have planned!

This is the third year we are running the survey. Last year’s results revealed that:

📋We received 272 responses from 252 residents and 8 organisations.
🗺The total area of No Mow May grassland that was pledged amounts to 131,510m2, which is approximately 32 acres or 13.15 hectares. This roughly equated to 503 tennis courts which was 6 more courts (roughly 1566m2) than pledged in 2022.
On a district basis, the highest area of land pledged was in Sevenoaks with 25,502m2, and the largest individual numbers of pledges were recorded in Canterbury with 50 pledges.

For further information on the pledge results for the last two years, check out our report in the Documents section.

This year, we want to make it bigger and better! Can we pledge more land than last year? Which district will record the most pledges this time? Make sure to share your pledge with your family, friends, and neighbours to get them involved and make this No Mow May even bigger than last year!

Update November 2024

A big thank you to everyone who took part in Kent's Plan Bee No Mow May pledge. Our Results Report is now available in the 'Documents' section of the page.

This year’s results revealed that:

📋We received 324 responses from 307 residents and 15 organisations.
On a district basis, the largest individual numbers of pledges were recorded in Canterbury with 47 pledges.

Update June 2024

Thank you to everyone who took part and added their pledge. We are currently reviewing the feedback you provided and will publish a report about this year’s No Mow May efforts later in the summer. In the meantime, if you wish to keep up to date with Kent’s Plan Bee, please follow us on our Facebook or Instagram pages.

Plantlife’s No Mow May campaign is back for another year and we’re asking you to join us again by doing nothing at all…

Lock up your lawnmower and strimmer on 1 May, sit back, relax and let the wildflowers in your lawn bloom, providing a feast of nectar for our hungry pollinators.

What is No Mow May?

‘No Mow May’ is a campaign by the charity Plantlife to let your lawn grow throughout May and provide a carpet of flowers for our pollinators to feed on.

Each year we ask you to leave your lawn to see what colourful flowers appear and the pollinators that they attract - even leaving a small patch of your lawn uncut will make a big difference.

For more information about the campaign visit the Plantlife website.

Why not Let It Bloom for June

If you make it to the end of May why not continue not mowing! You can leave your lawn uncut into June, even July and August. This will allow the flowers to continue to bloom and go to seed, giving you more flowers for the following year.

What are we doing for No Mow May?

Kent’s Plan Bee team have been busy! Even more KCC departments are putting locking away their mowers for some of the land they manage to help with No Mow May. From Highways to Country Parks, waste sites and KCC owned land and infrastructure, this year we are building on the great work that has come out of us taking part in No Mow May over the last two years.

Now, we want to know how this links into the wider Kent landscape and see who else is taking part in No Mow May. Whether it is your garden or allotment, or you’re a business or landowner looking to pledge a larger piece of land, we want to hear what you have planned!

This is the third year we are running the survey. Last year’s results revealed that:

📋We received 272 responses from 252 residents and 8 organisations.
🗺The total area of No Mow May grassland that was pledged amounts to 131,510m2, which is approximately 32 acres or 13.15 hectares. This roughly equated to 503 tennis courts which was 6 more courts (roughly 1566m2) than pledged in 2022.
On a district basis, the highest area of land pledged was in Sevenoaks with 25,502m2, and the largest individual numbers of pledges were recorded in Canterbury with 50 pledges.

For further information on the pledge results for the last two years, check out our report in the Documents section.

This year, we want to make it bigger and better! Can we pledge more land than last year? Which district will record the most pledges this time? Make sure to share your pledge with your family, friends, and neighbours to get them involved and make this No Mow May even bigger than last year!