Land Adjacent To 39 St Peter's Footpath, Margate

Notice is hereby given under sections 123 (1) and (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 that Kent County Council intends to make a disposal of open space land adjacent to 39 St Peter’s Footpath, Margate, CT9 2RG. This land is referred to in this notice as "the Open Space Land".

The Open Space Land has an area of approximately 55 square metres and is shown for identification purposes edged red on a plan available to view in the document section. A hard copy of the plan is also available for inspection at Sessions House, County Road, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ during normal business hours.

This is a formal notice given insofar as the above parcel of land consists or forms part of an open space within the meaning of the above section, being land used for the purpose of public recreation.

Any person wishing to comment on the proposed disposal of the above-mentioned parcel of land can use the response form below.

If you wish to post us your comments, please ensure your response reaches us by 11 January 2023.

Notice is hereby given under sections 123 (1) and (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 that Kent County Council intends to make a disposal of open space land adjacent to 39 St Peter’s Footpath, Margate, CT9 2RG. This land is referred to in this notice as "the Open Space Land".

The Open Space Land has an area of approximately 55 square metres and is shown for identification purposes edged red on a plan available to view in the document section. A hard copy of the plan is also available for inspection at Sessions House, County Road, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ during normal business hours.

This is a formal notice given insofar as the above parcel of land consists or forms part of an open space within the meaning of the above section, being land used for the purpose of public recreation.

Any person wishing to comment on the proposed disposal of the above-mentioned parcel of land can use the response form below.

If you wish to post us your comments, please ensure your response reaches us by 11 January 2023.