Kent Design Guide

Consultation has concluded

Working with our partners we have refreshed and updated the Kent Design Guide as a website, and we welcome your views.

Screen print of Kent Design Guide website homepageClick on image to visit the Kent Design Guide websiteThe Kent Design Guide provides guidance on design for the built environment. It is intended as a useful resource for house builders, architects, engineers, town planners, other professionals working in the built environment, and residents. Design guidance is important so that good design standards are met and design leads to sustainably built places and communities in Kent and Medway.

There have been many changes in design standards and practices in recent years. These changes call for a refresh of this Guide, which was last published in 2005. This latest version will be available as a website to ensure the Guide remains current, relevant and can be updated regularly.

The Kent Design Guide follows the format of design guidance that was set out in the National Design Guidance published in 2019. This is predominantly to set design guidance around 10 key characteristics that are there to help shape places and communities. The Kent Design Guide uses these characteristics for its own context across the county and enriches this further with case studies to highlight well-designed places.

We welcome your feedback on the draft website and in particular your views on how easy it is to find the information you require, and whether the content is clear, understandable, and informative.

Click on the image above or the weblink in the 'Important links' section to access the draft Kent Design Guide website. Please note that the website is still in development so there are some placeholders where we are waiting for images. Full technical guidance for Active Design and Active Travel will be available from the end of November 2021. 

Tell us your views by completing the questionnaire. Feedback will be used to help us finalise the Kent Design Guide website. A report summarising our analysis of the feedback will be published on this website.

Working with our partners we have refreshed and updated the Kent Design Guide as a website, and we welcome your views.

Screen print of Kent Design Guide website homepageClick on image to visit the Kent Design Guide websiteThe Kent Design Guide provides guidance on design for the built environment. It is intended as a useful resource for house builders, architects, engineers, town planners, other professionals working in the built environment, and residents. Design guidance is important so that good design standards are met and design leads to sustainably built places and communities in Kent and Medway.

There have been many changes in design standards and practices in recent years. These changes call for a refresh of this Guide, which was last published in 2005. This latest version will be available as a website to ensure the Guide remains current, relevant and can be updated regularly.

The Kent Design Guide follows the format of design guidance that was set out in the National Design Guidance published in 2019. This is predominantly to set design guidance around 10 key characteristics that are there to help shape places and communities. The Kent Design Guide uses these characteristics for its own context across the county and enriches this further with case studies to highlight well-designed places.

We welcome your feedback on the draft website and in particular your views on how easy it is to find the information you require, and whether the content is clear, understandable, and informative.

Click on the image above or the weblink in the 'Important links' section to access the draft Kent Design Guide website. Please note that the website is still in development so there are some placeholders where we are waiting for images. Full technical guidance for Active Design and Active Travel will be available from the end of November 2021. 

Tell us your views by completing the questionnaire. Feedback will be used to help us finalise the Kent Design Guide website. A report summarising our analysis of the feedback will be published on this website.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We have provided this feedback questionnaire for you to give your comments on the draft Kent Design Guide website

    The questionnaire is split into four sections: 

    • Section One – About You
    • Section Two – The Guide
      • Clarity of website content 
      • Images   
      • Stakeholders
      • Environmental sustainability 
      • Case studies   
      • Any other comments? 
    • Section Three – Equality Analysis 
    • Section Four – More About You 

    You can answer all or as many of the questions as you like. If you would rather not provide feedback on a section or question, just move on to the next one.

    Consultation has concluded