Kent Heritage Conservation Strategy

Update December 2022

Between October and December 2021, we asked for your views on our draft Strategy for Heritage Conservation in Kent. The Consultation Report summarising the results of this consultation is available to view from the Documents section on this page.

As a result of the feedback a new, fifth, Strategic Aim – ‘Contribute to KCC’s action to address the Climate Emergency’ has been added. Within this new aim two objectives were added. One aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2030 and the other to investigate the impact of climate change on the historic environment in Kent.

We would like to once again thank everybody who took the time to tell us their views, your feedback helped shape this Strategy. The final Kent Heritage Conservation Strategy has now been adopted by KCC and will continue to be regularly reviewed and updated.

Update 10 March 2022

Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in this consultation.

The Consultation Report is now available in the Documents section. The report will be discussed by the Members of the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on the 17 March 2022.

We want to hear your feedback on our proposed Heritage Conservation Strategy for Kent.

Kent contains a wealth of historic assets, ranging from the earliest humans to the Cold War. Archaeological sites, artefacts, historic buildings and landscapes evidence this past.

This draft Strategy presents our strategic aims and objectives for how we will conserve Kent's heritage and also inspire citizen engagement and connection.

Your views are important in helping us to ensure we have an ambitious but achievable Strategy to deliver this service.

Following the end of the consultation we will produce a consultation report, summarising the feedback we have received. This feedback will be used to help finalise the Strategy, which alongside the consultation report will be presented to Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee before the Strategy is agreed and finalised.

Update December 2022

Between October and December 2021, we asked for your views on our draft Strategy for Heritage Conservation in Kent. The Consultation Report summarising the results of this consultation is available to view from the Documents section on this page.

As a result of the feedback a new, fifth, Strategic Aim – ‘Contribute to KCC’s action to address the Climate Emergency’ has been added. Within this new aim two objectives were added. One aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2030 and the other to investigate the impact of climate change on the historic environment in Kent.

We would like to once again thank everybody who took the time to tell us their views, your feedback helped shape this Strategy. The final Kent Heritage Conservation Strategy has now been adopted by KCC and will continue to be regularly reviewed and updated.

Update 10 March 2022

Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in this consultation.

The Consultation Report is now available in the Documents section. The report will be discussed by the Members of the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on the 17 March 2022.

We want to hear your feedback on our proposed Heritage Conservation Strategy for Kent.

Kent contains a wealth of historic assets, ranging from the earliest humans to the Cold War. Archaeological sites, artefacts, historic buildings and landscapes evidence this past.

This draft Strategy presents our strategic aims and objectives for how we will conserve Kent's heritage and also inspire citizen engagement and connection.

Your views are important in helping us to ensure we have an ambitious but achievable Strategy to deliver this service.

Following the end of the consultation we will produce a consultation report, summarising the feedback we have received. This feedback will be used to help finalise the Strategy, which alongside the consultation report will be presented to Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee before the Strategy is agreed and finalised.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to hear your views on our draft Kent Heritage Conservation Strategy and have provided this questionnaire for you to provide your feedback. 

    We recommend you read the draft Strategy before responding to this questionnaire.

    We have provided this questionnaire for you to give your comments. The questionnaire is split into four sections:

    • Section 1 – About You
    • Section 2 – The Strategy
      • Strategic vision and aims
      • Objectives
      • Any other comments on our draft strategy?
    • Section Three – Equality Analysis
    • Section Four – More About You 

    You can answer all or as many of the questions as you like. If you would rather not provide feedback on a section or question, just move on to the next one.