Proposed changes to wellbeing services in the community

This consultation is now closed.

We are running a consultation on proposed changes to Wellbeing Services in the Community and Community Navigation which are funded by KCC’s Adult Social Care and Health Directorate and delivered by Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations. We invite you to review our proposals and share your views.

The Wellbeing Services in the Community and Community Navigation within this consultation help people to take a proactive approach to their health and wellbeing, increase independence, and prevent, reduce or delay the need for additional care and support services. These services are part of KCC’s broader efforts to prevent, reduce and delay the need for care and support.

The contracts for the services in this proposal commenced in 2019 and 2020 and reflect an earlier approach to prevention. Since the initiation of these contracts, significant developments have occurred, prompting a strategic review on how prevention services are delivered. The proposal aims to:

  • remove elements of duplication within the prevention approach and provision.
  • ensure prevention services are more efficient, targeted and making best use of limited resources.
  • focus on people with the greatest need.
  • contribute towards savings that deliver a balanced budget for KCC.

The proposed changes are to:

  • reduce the level of funding for Wellbeing Services in the Community and redesign the way they are provided, incorporating some elements of Community Navigation.
  • stop funding the Community Navigation services.
  • stop funding the ‘Innovation Fund’ in the Mental Health Community and Wellbeing Service, which is used for testing new approaches.

Have your say

You can tell us your views by completing our consultation questionnaire. There is also an Easy Read version of the questionnaire which is available from the 'Documents' section on this page.

If you cannot complete the online questionnaire, a Word version is available to download from this webpage which you can complete and return either by email or post.

Come and visit us at one of the drop-in sessions across Kent during December and January to ask questions and tell us your views. Details of the sessions are in the ‘Drop-in sessions’ section on this page.

If you have questions about the proposals or need any support to take part in the consultation, you can contact us: or 03000 415846.

Next steps

Following the end of this consultation, responses will be evaluated and a consultation report will be produced. The report will be published on this webpage. The report, along with an Equality Impact Assessment, is expected to be presented at the Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee in March 2025. Consultation responses will be considered before any decisions are taken. Details of any decisions will also be published on this webpage.

This consultation is now closed.

We are running a consultation on proposed changes to Wellbeing Services in the Community and Community Navigation which are funded by KCC’s Adult Social Care and Health Directorate and delivered by Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations. We invite you to review our proposals and share your views.

The Wellbeing Services in the Community and Community Navigation within this consultation help people to take a proactive approach to their health and wellbeing, increase independence, and prevent, reduce or delay the need for additional care and support services. These services are part of KCC’s broader efforts to prevent, reduce and delay the need for care and support.

The contracts for the services in this proposal commenced in 2019 and 2020 and reflect an earlier approach to prevention. Since the initiation of these contracts, significant developments have occurred, prompting a strategic review on how prevention services are delivered. The proposal aims to:

  • remove elements of duplication within the prevention approach and provision.
  • ensure prevention services are more efficient, targeted and making best use of limited resources.
  • focus on people with the greatest need.
  • contribute towards savings that deliver a balanced budget for KCC.

The proposed changes are to:

  • reduce the level of funding for Wellbeing Services in the Community and redesign the way they are provided, incorporating some elements of Community Navigation.
  • stop funding the Community Navigation services.
  • stop funding the ‘Innovation Fund’ in the Mental Health Community and Wellbeing Service, which is used for testing new approaches.

Have your say

You can tell us your views by completing our consultation questionnaire. There is also an Easy Read version of the questionnaire which is available from the 'Documents' section on this page.

If you cannot complete the online questionnaire, a Word version is available to download from this webpage which you can complete and return either by email or post.

Come and visit us at one of the drop-in sessions across Kent during December and January to ask questions and tell us your views. Details of the sessions are in the ‘Drop-in sessions’ section on this page.

If you have questions about the proposals or need any support to take part in the consultation, you can contact us: or 03000 415846.

Next steps

Following the end of this consultation, responses will be evaluated and a consultation report will be produced. The report will be published on this webpage. The report, along with an Equality Impact Assessment, is expected to be presented at the Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee in March 2025. Consultation responses will be considered before any decisions are taken. Details of any decisions will also be published on this webpage.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to hear your views on our proposed changes to Wellbeing Services in the Community and have provided this questionnaire for you to give your feedback. 

    We recommend you read the consultation document before responding to this questionnaire.