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Wonderful place for children

We’ve been members of our local library since our first child was born, almost 11 years ago. A trip to the library has always been exciting for the children. We would sit together and read books and they had my undivided attention. I went to the rhyme time events with my youngest. We loved all the events the library would put on, at Christmas and in the summer, especially with the funny library lion! My children have loved doing the summer reading challenge each year. As I don’t drive, the library was a good place to walk to, to spend a couple of hours with my children, without having to spend lots of money. When my children started school they loved an after school trip there on the way home, to have a read and change their books, and in the summer to take part in the reading challenge. We sometimes rent the dvds for our family film nights. My children are real bookworms, which having access to the free library books made possible. A couple of years ago I joined the book club there and have made some lovely friends. We kept our meetings up via zoom through the pandemic and now have 2 new members! Since the library hours have changed and my eldest is at secondary school she no longer has an opportunity to visit the local library as her bus gets in just before it closes, and on Saturdays she has a team commitment which means she leaves home just after the library opens and is home just before it shuts again. She really misses going with us as it was a lovely way to spend time together. The staff are all very friendly and helpful and the library always feels like a comfortable, safe place to be.