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Excellence in Westgate

I was a fairly regular library user before 2020, so really appreciated the Select and Collect service when the pandemic caused the closure of the local library, even though it meant travelling a little further then just round the corner. I am fairly convinced that it was the ability to collect books regularly which kept my mental health ticking over.

However, since Westgate Library has opened again, I realise just what I have missed. The ability to chat to a familiar face about the chosen books, to get recommendations for further titles based on my own selections, to be recognised and even have books (thought lost, but found in a cupboard) held for me for a few days is priceless. "Oh, it's you isn't it? Stay there!" Then I am handed "1984" having read "Animal Farm" just beforehand. No computer gives you that service.

(I probably shouldn't say how good Tracey is, because she will be whisked off to a main branch somewhere - I'll leave you to surmise!)

Thank you to the whole team!