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A Life Line

I have always belonged to a Library. To walk through the door and just smell the books has always been an instant cure for tight shoulders and a stressed brow. And of course pure escapism to just lose yourself in the words of a favourite author or branch out into another life, another place, or another sound.

For the last 25 years a group of friends have met once a month as a Book Club and we must have borrowed hundreds of books over the years. During lockdown we met on Zoom and were able to discuss the books we had borrowed by ordering and collecting from our local library. How wonderful to be able to continue our discussions and suggest new ideas for books to read. We could have just had a chat about the walks we had been on for our daily exercise but this gave us a focus away from COVID.

It’s great to be back in the Library now and chat over suggestions with the librarians who are so helpful and friendly. When I take back the borrowed Book Club books and my own library books we chat over the books and I have recommended books to them too. I am also impressed by how many new books there are on the shelves.

It’s great to be able to borrow rather than buy. It means everyone has an opportunity to try out books and to immerse themselves in a good read. Thank you Libraries. May your always be there for us.