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A Calm and Welcoming Place

I am an avid reader who can't afford and doesn't have the space to buy the amount of books I read. The library means that I can always have a book on hand to take to work or read at home. I have discovered many different types of books from many different authors - over 300 so far. The library is my favourite place in town and where I have sent people who are visiting town so they can get knowledge of the town from those who know it best (tourist information is in the same building). A library is one of the only places in a town where you are allowed to just be and to spend time without having any expectation of having to spend money or being rushed out once you have spent money to make room for the next person. Whenever I visit the library it is always calm and welcoming. There is an instant sense of peace and it feels like you have all the time in the world even if I am just popping in. The staff are very knowledgeable and friendly and my step-children have taken part in different events including the summer reading challenge and different arts and crafts activities. Whenever I visit new towns I always try to visit their library - there are many great buildings with library's and museums combined. If I didn't have access to the library then I wouldn't be able to read nearly as many (if any) of the books that I have read, I wouldn't have the safety blanket of always having a book in my bag and I wouldn't have gained as much literately knowledge as I have. I hope to be able to continue to visit the library for many years to come.