Footpath AB70 at Tenterden - Definitive Map Modification Order 2020

Consultation has concluded

A Definitive Map Modification Order was made on 4 December 2020 to record a Public Footpath numbered AB70, running from Public Footpath AB12 near Woodchurch Road, to another point on Public Footpath AB12 (a circular route) at Tenterden.

An objection has been received to this Order. Therefore, the Order, objection and all other relevant documents have been submitted to the Secretary of State in accordance with the legislation. It has been decided by the Planning Inspectorate that a local Public Inquiry will be held to determine whether or not the Order should be confirmed.

The Public Inquiry will start at 10am on 6 April 2022 at The Assembly Rooms, Tenterden Town Hall, 24 High Street, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6AN

Relevant documents can be found in the documents section.

A Definitive Map Modification Order was made on 4 December 2020 to record a Public Footpath numbered AB70, running from Public Footpath AB12 near Woodchurch Road, to another point on Public Footpath AB12 (a circular route) at Tenterden.

An objection has been received to this Order. Therefore, the Order, objection and all other relevant documents have been submitted to the Secretary of State in accordance with the legislation. It has been decided by the Planning Inspectorate that a local Public Inquiry will be held to determine whether or not the Order should be confirmed.

The Public Inquiry will start at 10am on 6 April 2022 at The Assembly Rooms, Tenterden Town Hall, 24 High Street, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6AN

Relevant documents can be found in the documents section.