Footpath AB70 at Tenterden - Definitive Map Modification Order 2020
Consultation has concluded
A Definitive Map Modification Order was made on 4 December 2020 to record a Public Footpath numbered AB70, running from Public Footpath AB12 near Woodchurch Road, to another point on Public Footpath AB12 (a circular route) at Tenterden.
An objection has been received to this Order. Therefore, the Order, objection and all other relevant documents have been submitted to the Secretary of State in accordance with the legislation. It has been decided by the Planning Inspectorate that a local Public Inquiry will be held to determine whether or not the Order should be confirmed.
The Public Inquiry will start at 10am on 6 April 2022 at The Assembly Rooms, Tenterden Town Hall, 24 High Street, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6AN
Relevant documents can be found in the documents section.
A Definitive Map Modification Order was made on 4 December 2020 to record a Public Footpath numbered AB70, running from Public Footpath AB12 near Woodchurch Road, to another point on Public Footpath AB12 (a circular route) at Tenterden.
An objection has been received to this Order. Therefore, the Order, objection and all other relevant documents have been submitted to the Secretary of State in accordance with the legislation. It has been decided by the Planning Inspectorate that a local Public Inquiry will be held to determine whether or not the Order should be confirmed.
The Public Inquiry will start at 10am on 6 April 2022 at The Assembly Rooms, Tenterden Town Hall, 24 High Street, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6AN
Relevant documents can be found in the documents section.
Public Inquiry starts
Footpath AB70 at Tenterden - Definitive Map Modification Order 2020 is currently at this stage6 April 2022
Public Inquiry ends
this is an upcoming stage for Footpath AB70 at Tenterden - Definitive Map Modification Order 2020
Order decision - NOT CONFIRMED (610 KB) (pdf)
PINs Notice with inquiry timetable (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Order documents
KCC submission documents
Statements of Case - Supporters
Statements of Case - Objectors
Objector Statement of Case (172 KB) (pdf)
Index of Appendices to Objectors Statement of Case (59 KB) (pdf)
Appendix CDW1 Land Reg (Register & Plan) - K565298 (594 KB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW2 - Land Reg (Reg & Plan) - K435772 (249 KB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW3 - extract from KCC Register of Deposits (135 KB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW4 - Encroachment Catalogue (721 KB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW5 - Landowner letters to residents Feb 2014 (286 KB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW6 - Debling to Landowner letter (102 KB) (pdf)
Appendix CDW7 - Correspondence between landowner and Dr Greaves (134 KB) (pdf)
Appendix CDW8 - Landscape and Visual Appraisal (5.6 MB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW9 - Fencing and Signage Photos (7.26 MB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW10 - Topographical Survey (4.46 MB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW11 - Air Photo Report Part 1 (10.7 MB) (PDF)
Air Photo Report Part 2 (10.9 MB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW12 - Termination of grazing licence (232 KB) (PDF)
Appendix CDW13 - Godmanchester (439 KB) (PDF)
Objectors Statement of Case Aerial Photographs
(2) 178821-6_RGB (2.8 MB) (jpeg)
(2)2007 04 22 Ref 178821-6 (2.74 MB) (jpeg)
1999 06 24 Ref gm07C94 (805 KB) (jpeg)
2001 04 02 Ref os_01988_v_4992 (604 KB) (jpeg)
2001 04 02 Ref os_01988_v_4993 (498 KB) (jpeg)
2003 03 20 Ref os_031000_v_712 (640 KB) (jpeg)
2003 03 20 Ref os_031000_v_713 (507 KB) (jpeg)
2003 08 04 Ref 178821-7 (2.15 MB) (jpeg)
2005 08 29 Ref os_05997_v_2464 (589 KB) (jpeg)
2005 08 29 Ref os_05997_v_2465 (4.92 MB) (jpeg)
2006 06 30 Ref gm05B9E (695 KB) (jpeg)
2007 04 22 Ref 178821-6 (685 KB) (jpeg)
2008 07 22 Ref gm02DD6 (769 KB) (jpeg)
2010 07 06 Ref CM01013213-4 (530 KB) (jpeg)
2011 03 07 Ref GE-5 (550 KB) (jpeg)
2012 08 31 Ref 178821-5 (630 KB) (jpeg)
2013 04 28 Ref GE-6 (1.65 MB) (jpeg)
2013 07 09 Ref GE-7 (616 KB) (jpeg)
2014 05 18 Ref CM01013213-3 (580 KB) (jpeg)
2015 04 15 Ref 178821-4 (479 KB) (jpeg)
2017 11 06 Ref CM01013213-2 (572 KB) (jpeg)
2018 08 02 Ref 178821-3 (624 KB) (jpeg)
2018 05 05 Ref GE-9 (592 KB) (jpeg)
2019 08 22 Ref 178821-1 (659 KB) (jpeg)
2019 08 22 Ref 178821-2 (841 KB) (jpeg)
2020 04 23 Ref GE-10 (600 KB) (jpeg)
178821-2_CIR (1) (659 KB) (jpeg)
178821-2_CIR (864 KB) (jpeg)
178821-3_RGB (621 KB) (jpeg)
178821-4_RGB (474 KB) (jpeg)
178821-5_RGB (627 KB) (jpeg)
178821-6_RGB (683 KB) (jpeg)
178821-7_RGB (577 KB) (jpeg)
gm02DD6 (775 KB) (jpeg)
gm05B9E (700 KB) (jpeg)
gm07C94 (3.97 MB) (jpeg)
Ordnance Survey 20100706CM01013213 (527 KB) (jpeg)
Ordnance Survey 20140518 20150414CM01013213 (580 KB) (jpeg)
Ordnance Survey 20171106CM01013213 (568 KB) (jpeg)
KCC Proof of Evidence (150 KB) (pdf)
Proofs of Evidence - Objectors
Carol Daniel Proof of Evidence (109 KB) (pdf)
Carol Daniel Appendices (24.6 MB) (pdf)
Rio Daniel Proof of Evidence (99.5 KB) (pdf)
RD Appx 1 (1.51 MB) (pdf)
RD Appx 2 (133 KB) (PDF)
RD Appx 3 (5.6 MB) (PDF)
RD Appx 4 (7.26 MB) (PDF)
RD Appx 5 (4.46 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 1 (1.37 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 2 (1.41 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 3 (1.29 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 4 (1.41 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 5 (1.48 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 6 (1.44 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 7 (1.42 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 8 (1.69 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 9 (1.43 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 10 (1.43 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 11 (1.29 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 13 (1.66 MB) (PDF)
tenterden A0 SHEET 12 (1.43 MB) (PDF)
Documents submitted during the Inquiry
Inquiry document 1 - Albert Poole Statement (1.58 MB) (pdf)
Inquiry Document 2 - Planning Appeal Decision (358 KB) (pdf)
Inquiry Document 3 - KCC Opening Statement (118 KB) (pdf)
Inquiry Document 4 - Applicant Opening Statement (80.9 KB) (pdf)
Inquiry document 5 - Objector Opening Statement (107 KB) (pdf)
Inquiry Document 6 - Objector Closing Submissions (258 KB) (pdf)
Inquiry Document 7 - KCC Closing Submissions (276 KB) (pdf)
Hard copy requests
For hard copies of any of the documentation, please contact Maria McLauchlan at:
Address: Kent County Council, Public Rights of Way and Access Service, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX
Telephone: 03000 41 34 20
Alternative formats
If you require any of the documents in an alternative format or language please email or call 03000 42 15 53 (text relay service number: 18001 03000 42 15 53). This number goes to an answering machine, which is monitored during office hours.