North Thanet Link

Update 10 November 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in this consultation. The Consultation Report is now available in the Documents section on this page.

The feedback from this consultation is being reviewed and considered to help finalise the design of the scheme. Feedback is also being used to review the Equality Impact Assessment and fed into the Environmental Impact Assessment process.

Subject to funding arrangements and approval processes, a planning application is expected to be submitted in Summer / Autumn 2024. Once submitted, this will be subject to a statutory consultation.

Further information in relation to key dates and delivery timescales will be communicated throughout the lifespan of the scheme via the KCC website.

Original Content

Welcome to our public consultation on the North Thanet Link highway improvement scheme.

The North Thanet Link seeks to support the A28 highway corridor by improving local journeys through a combination of new road links, road widening, junction improvements and new walking and cycling facilities. Arial photo of the location for the North Thanet Link

Road users travelling on the A28 Canterbury Road corridor often experience high volumes of traffic, which can result in congestion and road safety concerns. The busy nature of this road, along with the type of traffic using it on a regular basis, can act as a deterrent to pedestrians and cyclists as it creates an intimidating environment for non-car users.

Without highway improvements these issues are likely to be made worse by future development, which will generate further traffic and travel demand on this stretch of road.

Due to the historic layout and space constraints, particularly through Birchington Square, there is limited opportunity to improve road capacity along the existing A28. Therefore, an alternative highway route has been identified to improve journey time reliability, network resilience and road safety.

The consultation document provides details of the proposed scheme, including the route, its aims and objectives and scheme plans showing the current design.

Have your say!

Your feedback is essential to help us shape the scheme design prior to the submission of a planning application and to ensure it best suits the needs of your local community and local businesses.

Whether you support the proposed design or have some concerns about it, we want to hear your views.

You can provide your feedback by completing the consultation questionnaire available below.

Update 10 November 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in this consultation. The Consultation Report is now available in the Documents section on this page.

The feedback from this consultation is being reviewed and considered to help finalise the design of the scheme. Feedback is also being used to review the Equality Impact Assessment and fed into the Environmental Impact Assessment process.

Subject to funding arrangements and approval processes, a planning application is expected to be submitted in Summer / Autumn 2024. Once submitted, this will be subject to a statutory consultation.

Further information in relation to key dates and delivery timescales will be communicated throughout the lifespan of the scheme via the KCC website.

Original Content

Welcome to our public consultation on the North Thanet Link highway improvement scheme.

The North Thanet Link seeks to support the A28 highway corridor by improving local journeys through a combination of new road links, road widening, junction improvements and new walking and cycling facilities. Arial photo of the location for the North Thanet Link

Road users travelling on the A28 Canterbury Road corridor often experience high volumes of traffic, which can result in congestion and road safety concerns. The busy nature of this road, along with the type of traffic using it on a regular basis, can act as a deterrent to pedestrians and cyclists as it creates an intimidating environment for non-car users.

Without highway improvements these issues are likely to be made worse by future development, which will generate further traffic and travel demand on this stretch of road.

Due to the historic layout and space constraints, particularly through Birchington Square, there is limited opportunity to improve road capacity along the existing A28. Therefore, an alternative highway route has been identified to improve journey time reliability, network resilience and road safety.

The consultation document provides details of the proposed scheme, including the route, its aims and objectives and scheme plans showing the current design.

Have your say!

Your feedback is essential to help us shape the scheme design prior to the submission of a planning application and to ensure it best suits the needs of your local community and local businesses.

Whether you support the proposed design or have some concerns about it, we want to hear your views.

You can provide your feedback by completing the consultation questionnaire available below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like your views on the proposed design for the North Thanet Link, a highway improvement scheme to provide additional highway infrastructure and future proof the North Thanet road network. 


    We have provided this questionnaire for you to give your comments. Your responses will help us to further develop the scheme design.


    What information do you need before completing the questionnaire? 

    We recommend that you read the consultation document, which is available in the document section before responding.

    You can answer all or as many of the questions as you like. If you would rather not provide feedback on a section or question, just move on to the next one.