Proposed pedestrian crossing on London Road in River, Dover

Public Notice period ended. 

Scheme plan of London RoadWe, as a traffic authority, give notice that we intend to relocate the bus stop clearways and install a pedestrian crossing on the London Road in River, Dover. This will be outside the car garage and the junction with Kearsney Avenue.

Works will commence on 18 October and will take around two weeks to complete.

Full details, including the scheme plan, can be found in the Public Notice section.

If you require further information on the proposed scheme, please contact Kent Highways and Transportation at quoting scheme ref: 2122-LTP-DO-0037. 

Scheme plan of London RoadWe, as a traffic authority, give notice that we intend to relocate the bus stop clearways and install a pedestrian crossing on the London Road in River, Dover. This will be outside the car garage and the junction with Kearsney Avenue.

Works will commence on 18 October and will take around two weeks to complete.

Full details, including the scheme plan, can be found in the Public Notice section.

If you require further information on the proposed scheme, please contact Kent Highways and Transportation at quoting scheme ref: 2122-LTP-DO-0037.