January 2022 - Consultation
The Governing Body of Laleham Gap (Foundation Special) School would like to hear your views on a proposal to permanently change the age-range from 4-17 to 4-18 and increase the designated number from 177 to 188 from September 2022.
The proposal is to provide two-year placements of up to 5 year 12 and up to 5 year 13 places. This new, two-year programme, in addition to transition work, will provide more opportunities for the young people to gain qualifications which will assist them in their next educational placement or employment.
A decision on whether or not to proceed with the proposals will be taken by the Governing Body of the school and the outcome of the consultation will also be reported to the Cabinet Committee for Children Young People and Education. If the Governing Body decides to proceed statutory proposals will be published in the form of a public notice. The public notice would be published in a local newspaper, and for a period of four weeks following the publication date, any person can comment on the proposals.
Following the statutory consultation, and after consideration of any responses received, KCC’s Cabinet Member for Education and Skills will take the final decision on whether to proceed with the proposals.
Have your say
If you wish to comment on this proposal, please give your views by:
- handing you response form into reception at Laleham Gap Special School
- emailing: secretary@lgs.kent.sch.uk
- sending the response form to The Headteacher, Laleham Gap School, Ozengell Place, Ramsgate CT12 6FH
by noon on Friday 4 February 2022.
Consultation has concluded