Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 Review

We are inviting comments on our refresh of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30.
The current Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (KMWLP) was adopted by Kent County Council (KCC) in July 2016 and partially updated in 2020. A Minerals Sites Plan which allocates three areas of land suitable for development associated with the extraction of sand and gravel was also adopted in 2020.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and legislation states policies in Local Plans should be reviewed at least once every five years and updated as necessary.
A review of the vision, strategic objectives and policies in the current Local Plan has been undertaken. The review found that while much of the Local Plan is still relevant, some updates are needed to respond to changes in government policy and legislation since 2016 including the following:
- updates to the NPPF in 2018, 2019 and 2021 and associated planning practice guidance
- legislation and policy concerning the need to adapt to, and mitigate climate change and associated low carbon growth
- new policy relating to the management of low-level radioactive waste
- policy and legislation concerned with achieving a circular economy where more waste is prevented or reused.
Updates are also proposed to ensure the Local Plan takes account of the current local context which includes the following:
- a need for the development of additional household waste management capacity
- the Kent Environment Strategy and Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy.
A number of further minor changes are proposed which are intended to improve the clarity of the policies. None of the proposed changes seek a fundamental shift in the way minerals will be supplied and waste will be managed in future. No changes are proposed to the Kent Minerals Sites Plan.
Tell us your views
We welcome comments on the proposed draft refresh of the Local Plan.
As useful background to the consultation, an Executive Summary of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan 5 Year Review Report and its conclusion has been published. This includes a brief summary explaining what changes are being made and the reason why. It is recommended that you read this document before making comments on the draft Local Plan. Two further background documents have been prepared on the Circular Economy and Radioactive Waste, which may assist you in preparing your response.
We also welcome your feedback on the further evidence to support the Local Plan changes. These relate to:
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Habitat Regulations Assessment
You can comment directly on to the draft Local Plan and the supporting documents using our document commenting software below.
Alternatively, upload your written submission using the form below or write to us at or by post to Minerals and Waste Planning Policy, 1st Floor, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX.
In responding to the consultation we are particularly interested in your responses to the following questions:
- Do you agree with the changes to the Vision? Are any other changes needed? If so, please explain.
- Do you agree with the changes to the Strategic Objectives? Are any other changes needed? If so, please explain.
- Do you agree with the changes to the Policies and supporting text? Are any other changes needed? If so, please explain.
- Do you have any comments on the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report? If so, please explain.
- Do you have any comments on the approaches to the Habitat Regulations Assessment and/or Strategic Flood Risk Assessment? If so, please explain.
- Are there any other comments that you wish to draw to the Council’s attention including whether other updates to the Local Plan are needed?
Before you respond to this consultation please read the full Minerals and Waste Local Plan privacy statement