Kent Care Summit 2022
Do you have experience of social care, either supporting others or you/someone close to you receiving support?
If so, we want you to have your say on adult social care in Kent. The Kent Care Summit is an innovative hybrid event that will bring together people we support, the care workforce, system leaders, commissioners, providers and community organisations.
There will be a focus on people’s experiences and what they want to see from the Kent care market in the medium-to-long term.
You can book to attend the event in person or online via the links on this page. We encourage everyone, whether you’re attending or not, to submit your questions in advance on this webpage. We will aim to address as many of your questions as possible at the event. Any questions that we are not able to discuss on the day will be addressed by a KCC working group set up to ensure continued action is taken to improve social care in Kent. This webpage will be updated with answers to these questions as they become available.
The event has a packed agenda including:
A session on the person’s and professional’s voices : sharing experiences and our vision for the care market.
Hear from our panel:
• Michelle Dyson, Director General for Adult Social Care, Department of Health and Social Care
• Oonagh Smyth, Skills for Care CEO
• Social Care Future for the person's voice
• Claudia Sykes OBE, Social Enterprise Kent
• Vic Rayner OBE, National Care Forum
The panel will be discussing insights into what is happening in social care, the future of the care sector and what this can mean for Kent. Followed by questions from the audience.
And you can also join our breakout sessions, ‘In this together – building our care market for the future’, to make your voice heard.
Why have the event now?
It’s been an extremely challenging period, with the impacts of Covid, staff and recruitment issues being felt as we work to manage the current winter pressures as a system.
Kent has strengths in its relationships and ambition. Together, we can shape the social care market for the better - so join the conversation and help to set the course towards a more sustainable and innovative future.