Main text and updates
Update: 23 February 2022
Following the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee meeting on 11 January 2022, the Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills resolved to issue a public notice in regard to the establishment of a 16 place Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Garlinge Primary School and Nursery within the Children’s Centre building.
A copy of the complete proposal and the public notice can be found in the Current documents section.
Within four weeks from the date of publication, any person may send in a response supporting, objecting or commenting on the proposal to:
Contact: Marisa White, Area Education Officer
Address: Brook House, John Wilson Business Park, Reeves Way, Whitstable, Kent CT5 2EZ
The final date for sending in written representations is midnight on the 23 March 2022.
Update: 8 February 2022
Thank you to everyone that gave their views. The consultation report is now available in the documents section
Original content:
This consultation is seeking views on the proposal to change the use of Garlinge Children’s Centre to that of a Specialist Resource Provision for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and provide Children’s Centre services to the local community through Birchington Children’s Centre.
ASD is the most common special education need type in Kent with 42.7% of all EHCPs (0-25) having ASD as their primary need. In Thanet 50% of all EHCPs for primary aged school pupils have ASD named as their primary need.
Some children with an EHCP require a higher level of support than a mainstream school can provide but their needs are not so complex that a special school is appropriate for them. For these children, a SRP based in a mainstream school is the best way to ensure they receive the education they require. However, Thanet does not currently have any SRPs in any of its primary schools, the nearest ones being in Canterbury and Whitstable.
A number of children’s centres, including Garlinge and Birchington, have been closed during the COVID-19 pandemic with services being delivered from key centres within each district. There are currently 46 Children’s Centres open and KCC is undertaking a phased reopening of the remaining children’s centres throughout autumn and winter, ensuring each one is Covid safe for children, families and staff.
It is proposed that the early years, health (health visiting and midwifery) and parenting services previously delivered from Garlinge Children’s Centre would be transferred to the current part-time Birchington Children’s Centre, which would have its opening hours extended to full-time.
Have your say
Please read the consultation document and then fill in the questionnaire to tell us your views on the proposal. Responses will be considered and a report will go to the Children, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee in January 2022. Then a decision will be made on whether or not to go ahead with the proposal.
Consultation has concluded