Footpath WB72, Tunbridge Wells - Definitive Map Modification Order 2022
Kent County Council has received an application, and subsequently made an Order, to amend the legal record of Public Rights of Way, known as the Definitive Map, by recording a new Public Footpath WB72 running between Blackhurst Lane and Sandown Park at Tunbridge Wells.
Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the County Council may make an Order to modify the Definitive Map where it is considered that a public right of way which is not shown on the map is reasonably alleged to subsist.
An objection has been received to this Order which has not been withdrawn. Therefore, the County Council has submitted the Order, the objection and all other relevant documents to the Secretary of State.
Copies of the submission and Public Inquiry documents can be found in the Documents section.
Kent County Council has received an application, and subsequently made an Order, to amend the legal record of Public Rights of Way, known as the Definitive Map, by recording a new Public Footpath WB72 running between Blackhurst Lane and Sandown Park at Tunbridge Wells.
Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the County Council may make an Order to modify the Definitive Map where it is considered that a public right of way which is not shown on the map is reasonably alleged to subsist.
An objection has been received to this Order which has not been withdrawn. Therefore, the County Council has submitted the Order, the objection and all other relevant documents to the Secretary of State.
Copies of the submission and Public Inquiry documents can be found in the Documents section.
28 January 2025
A public inquiry was held on 28 January 2025 at Pembury Village Hall, 49 High Street, Pembury, Kent, TN2 4PH.
Further details can be found in the documents section under the Public Inquiry documents folder including additional statements from the parties.
Footpath WB72, Tunbridge Wells - Definitive Map Modification Order 2022 is currently at this stageSubmission documents submitted to the Planning Inspectorate 12 January 2023
1. Order documents
2. Public Inquiry documents
Final comments obo CESL (114 KB) (pdf)
WB72 OMA closing response (157 KB) (pdf)
152. User must be open (1) (6.18 KB) (PDF)
154. Length of user at common law (1) (10.5 KB) (PDF)
Objectors closing statement (217 KB) (pdf)
107 E.R. 1174 (892 KB) (pdf)
116 E.R. 701 (397 KB) (pdf)
1937 Conveyance (10 MB) (pdf)
OMA closing statement (220 KB) (pdf)
144. Power to dedicate essential (6.17 KB) (PDF)
R v Cornwall CC, ex p Huntington & anor; R v Devon CC, ex p Isaac & anor [1994] (1.06 MB) (pdf)
Turner v Walsh (1881) 6 App. Cas. 636 (413 KB) (pdf)
TURNER v. RINGWOOD HIGHWAY BOARD. (1870) L.R. 9 Eq. 418.pdf (285 KB) (pdf)
OMA opening statement (188 KB) (pdf)
Notice of PI with timetable (2.19 MB) (pdf)
3. Proofs of Evidence
KCC Proof of Evidence (127 KB) (pdf)
KCC29 Bundle contents (102 KB) (pdf)
KCC30 Design & Access Statement extracts (4.14 MB) (pdf)
KCC31 Jackson letter_Redacted (2.02 MB) (pdf)
CESL Proof of Evidence (442 KB) (pdf)
CESL Summary Proof of Evidence (195 KB) (pdf)
CESL Appendices to Proof of Evidence (4.02 MB) (pdf)
KM3 Official Copy (Title Plan) - K319593 (3.93 MB) (pdf)
Cllr H Pound Proof of Evidence (45.6 KB) (pdf)
5. Statements of Case
Objectors' Statement of Case and Appendices (10.1 MB) (pdf)
Applicant's Statement of Case (56.3 KB) (pdf)
Kent County Council's Statement of Case (231 KB) (pdf)
KCC24 Lynch evidence (173 KB) (pdf)
KCC25 Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 section 53 (65.9 KB) (pdf)
KCC26 Highways Act 1980 section 31 (103 KB) (pdf)
KCC27 R v. Secretary of State for the Environment ex parte Bagshaw and Norton (1994) Full Case Report (35.4 KB) (pdf)
KCC28 R v Secretary of State for Wales, ex parte Emery (1998) Full Case Report (223 KB) (pdf)
6. Submission documents
List of documents (616 KB) (pdf)
KCC1 Two copies of the Order and associated Map (1.41 MB) (pdf)
KCC2 Submission covering letter (1.17 MB) (pdf)
KCC3 Statement of grounds on which it is considered the Order should be confirmed (716 KB) (pdf)
KCC4 Representations and objections to the Order (20.3 MB) (pdf)
KCC5 Statement containing the OMA's comments on the objections (761 KB) (pdf)
KCC6 Copy of the notice publicising the Order (918 KB) (pdf)
KCC7 Certificate that notices have been published in accordance with the legislation (716 KB) (pdf)
KCC8 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (715 KB) (pdf)
KCC9 Copies of pre-Order consultation replies and responses by the OMA (1.91 MB) (pdf)
KCC10 Names and addresses of persons notified (714 KB) (pdf)
KCC11 Undertaking that if confirmed, notices will be duly published and served; or if not confirmed notices will be duly served (715 KB) (pdf)
KCC12 Location maps (2.97 MB) (pdf)
KCC13 Name and address of the applicant (703 KB) (pdf)
KCC14 Confirmation that the OMA is supporting the Order (715 KB) (pdf)
KCC15 Confirmation that if an inquiry is held, the OMA will still be supporting the Order (715 KB) (pdf)
KCC16 Details of when and where the documents can be viewed (716 KB) (pdf)
KCC17 Health and Safety questionnaire (826 KB) (pdf)
KCC18 Secretary of State's letter of dispensation (799 KB) (pdf)
KCC19 Extract from the working copy of the Definitive Map and Statement (2.76 MB) (pdf)
KCC20 User evidence (22.8 MB) (pdf)
KCC21 A copy of the application and supporting documents (17.6 MB) (pdf)
KCC22 Delegated authority report (3.63 MB) (pdf)
KCC23 Statement to accompany the Order (784 KB) (pdf)
Contact Details
Public Rights of Way Officer
Phone 03000 41 34 20 Email
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