How is the Asset Community Value (ACV) period triggered and what happens?
If the owner of the registered asset/building (in this case KCC) intends to sell (dispose of) the asset or enter into a lease longer than 25 years, they must inform the council where the asset is registered (in this case Folkestone & Hythe District Council), in writing. The council will then acknowledge receipt of the notification and confirm the dates of the initial moratorium period.
The initial moratorium period lasts for six weeks from when the council receives the written notification of the owner’s intent to sell the asset. The council will update the register of ACV to show the owner’s intent, contact the group which nominated the ACV to inform them and publicise in the neighbourhood of the asset. During this period, the nominating group or any other community group which can demonstrate a local connection may submit an intention to bid for the asset. If this does not happen the owner can proceed with selling the asset.
If a group submits an intention to bid then a full moratorium period of up to six months will be entered into, enabling any interested parties/groups to develop a bid. During this time, the owner cannot complete any sale or long lease, although there are some limited exceptions in the legislation.
For more information about the ACV process visit the myCommunity website. For more information on the specific ACV for 5 Grace Hill, please visit FHDC website.
How much have you spent on sponsored social media adverts?
We have budgeted £250 for sponsored adverts to help us reach people who don’t currently follow our social media channels, to let them know a consultation is currently running. This is part of a wider communications campaign to make sure as many people as possible in the local area hear about the consultation and have the opportunity to take part.
What is the breakdown of the £2.9m repair estimate for the Grace Hill building?
A breakdown of the costs of the works that makes up the latest estimation of the repair to the Grace Hill building can be found in the Documents section.
How have you engaged with Folkestone and Hythe District Council to develop your proposals?
KCC has been working with Folkestone and Hythe District Council (FHDC) for over a year on the option of Folkestone’s library and registration services moving into FOLCA. This is still a proposal and not yet definite, and would depend on further work and discussions with the FHDC, as explained in the consultation document.
It is right that we bring this forward to public consultation to hear the views of the local community on the next steps. No decisions have been taken and all feedback to the consultation will be carefully considered before any decisions are made. The FOLCA option is advanced enough that we believe what we are presenting is viable. The conversations with FHDC in relation to FOLCA have been constructive with FHDC having agreed the wording that was used in the consultation material, which was an accurate description of where discussions between us have reached.
What happened to all the books and furniture that was in the Grace Hill building?
As the building condition was continuing to deteriorate it was necessary to move everything out of 2 Grace Hill to avoid them being damaged. The local studies material has all moved to Folkestone Library - Heritage and Digital Access at 5 Grace Hill. As much book stock and furniture as possible has been distributed to the other Folkstone and Hythe district libraries with the rest all being securely kept at another KCC building at Whitstable.
How much did the removal work cost?
The cost of moving the furniture and books out of Folkestone Library to ensure that they weren’t damaged was £30,332.00.
Has a decision already been taken?
No decisions have been taken. KCC has developed proposals that are detailed in the consultation document, for what we think would be the best way forward but this has not yet been decided on. Please do take time to read the consultation document and tell us your views about our proposals or any alternative ideas that we should consider. The views put forward during the consultation will be considered before any decision is taken by KCC.
Were the minor repairs that required scaffolding at the front of the building completed?
Yes. A leak in the guttering that was going into the building and causing more damage was fixed.
What is the current condition of the building and what are you doing to maintain it at present to minimise any further damage?
The inside of the building is damp and parts of the fabric of the building is decaying. There is also mould internally and a large area of carpet in the lending library is stained and mouldy. The hardboard underlay is bowed and requires lifting and drying out. The wood blocks below require inspection. A leak in the guttering that was going into the building and causing more damage has been fixed. We are continuing to survey and monitor the building to protect it as a historic, listed building.
I read that the costs of works to repair the building have now increased to £2.9 million, how did you come to these revised costs?
The original costs for repair of the building were developed shortly after the building temporarily closed. We have continued to investigate what is required and the latest cost estimates have been developed as a result of further surveys of the building by a surveyor in May 2024.
Is FOLCA in the right location in the town for Folkestone Library?
It is on the high street close to the main shops and it is planned that FOLCA will be developed to be a destination building itself and support the revitalisation of this part of the town.
How can we access a library and registration service until the new location is ready?
The temporary library and registration services currently in place will continue until any permanent solution has been found. Please see page 5 of the consultation document for details of the temporary services.
Will this proposal impact on library and registration staff?
These proposals will have no impact on the levels of staffing that we have to deliver the library and registration service in Folkestone and Hythe. Staff are having to work different work patterns and in alternative locations to support the temporary services and we recognise the flexibility staff have shown adapting to this way of working.
If KCC will be putting money towards FOLCA, what is stopping it from using that money to renovate 2 Grace Hill and bring that back up to standard?
If Folkestone Library does move into FOLCA, the cost to relocate there would be significantly less than the estimated £2.9m needed to reopen 2 Grace Hill in a good shape, addressing all the current known issues.
The capital investment needed to move the library and registration service to FOLCA and transform the empty space into a functioning library is estimated to cost around £150,000 to £200,000 based on the current assumptions of what KCC would be required to do. The service and building operating costs (including staffing, rent and service charge) of providing the service in FOLCA would be similar to how much it cost us at 2 Grace Hill.
Is it planned that the full library service would be available at the FOLCA?
Yes - Our full statutory comprehensive library service would be available at FOLCA. This would cover the range of services - books, children’s library, PC’s, events and activities, local studies, and space for study. In addition, this would also be one of buildings where you could register births and deaths.
Will any other services be located in FOLCA?
At present this is still under discussion and Folkestone & Hythe District Council are leading on this. While at present no details can be confirmed it is expected that there will be a different community services, potentially commercial use alongside Folkestone and Hythe District Council.