29 November 2021
Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation. Responses have been analysed and the Consultation Report is now available.
In addition to consultation responses, data from the following activities will help inform our decision:
- attitudinal surveys - carried out face-to-face with a representative sample before and towards the end of the trial
- average speed surveys in certain locations
- crash statistics although this needs to be over a longer period than the 18-month trial period – normally 3 years
- engagement with district council partners and statutory consultees, including emergency services
- findings from Faversham Town Council’s engagement platform
- Equality Impact Assessment
- pedestrian and cycle counts - carried out before, during and towards the end of the trial
- use of existing air quality stations - any changes in air quality will have to be understood over a longer period.
An independent evaluation of the 20mph trials in Faversham and Tonbridge has been produced presenting the findings from the quantitative and qualitative data sources and is available to view from the Reports section. A summary for Faversham is also available. These findings, along with the consultation report, will be discussed, and a recommendation made at the Swale Joint Transportation Board on 6 December 2021.
The trial remains in operation until a decision is made on the future of the scheme.
Consultation has concluded