Canterbury City Council - Public Footpath CB174 (part) Littlebourne Public Path Diversion Order 2020

Consultation has concluded

Kent County Council has received an application (on behalf of the local planning authority), and subsequently made an Order, to divert part of Public Footpath CB174 at Littlebourne.

Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, an Order may be made to close or divert a Public Footpath, Bridleway or Restricted Byway where it is necessary to do so to enable development to take place.

Following advertisement of the Order, one objection has been received and therefore, as required, the matter has been referred to the Planning Inspectorate for determination.

Normally, documents relating to the submission and any subsequent correspondence would be available for public inspection at the County Council's offices but, given the ongoing situation regarding COVID-19, they will appear on this webpage instead.

Kent County Council has received an application (on behalf of the local planning authority), and subsequently made an Order, to divert part of Public Footpath CB174 at Littlebourne.

Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, an Order may be made to close or divert a Public Footpath, Bridleway or Restricted Byway where it is necessary to do so to enable development to take place.

Following advertisement of the Order, one objection has been received and therefore, as required, the matter has been referred to the Planning Inspectorate for determination.

Normally, documents relating to the submission and any subsequent correspondence would be available for public inspection at the County Council's offices but, given the ongoing situation regarding COVID-19, they will appear on this webpage instead.